Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Club Night at the Warlords  29/07/2013 

The last night before the August break saw a packed hall with many people playing their
last 40K  Tournament game .

It was nice to see a few new members and a wide varity of games being played .

    some of the fantasic terrain built for the Infinity 28mm Sci Fi game
                         chaos space marines advance under the watchful eye of a dreadnought
A Rogue Trader era Land raider
 Tau Riptide
Tau Firewarriors set up on a hill
   The Tau advance for the greater good
     another game of the ever popular  Hammers Slammers
More Tau Riptides

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Salute‬ 2014 Update 

There will be NO Bring and Buy at Salute 2014

This will allow us to invite more traders put on more games and have a little bit more space to sit down and look at all your purchases


Sunday, 14 July 2013

Club Night 8th July 2013

This particular evening had 4 Mantic based games on, and the usual mix of games

Three Kings of War games. A lot of these Armies are WIP at the moment, as we are commencing a league later in the year and everyone is fine tuning their armies in a series of practise games. ATM the moment we have sixteen players. I will probably have four small leagues of four players, then onto a knockout phase.

Goblins vs Kingdoms of Men

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The Big Clash
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Orcs vs Undead

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Kingdom of Men vs Dwarves

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Bolt Action "training game" 

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A board game

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15mm Napoleonic "GDB" game

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